John 1:1-14
4. Genealogies/Origins - The Word became flesh
Mt Mk L J
John 1:6-9 & John 1:15-34
Mt Mk L J
John 1:35-51
10. The First Disciples - Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men
Mt Mk L J
John 4:4-42
38. Could this be the Christ? - Open your eyes and look at the fields
Mt Mk L J
John 4:43-46
Mt Mk L J
John 4:46-54
48. Healing - The Official’s Son - You may go, your son will live
Mt Mk L J
John 5:1-2, xx, 5-18
Mt Mk L J
John 5:19-47
75. If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me
Mt Mk L J
John 6:1-17
41. Feeding of 5000 - You give them something to eat
Mt Mk L J
John 6:15-25
43. Boating - Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?
Mt Mk L J
John 6:22-71
Mt Mk L J
John 6:41-46
Mt Mk L J
John 7:1-18
Mt Mk L J
John 7:19-24
Mt Mk L | J
John 7:25-8:1
Mt Mk L J
John 7:25-8:1
Mt Mk L J
John 8:2-11
Mt Mk L J
John 8:12-24
Mt Mk L J
John 8:25-32
Mt Mk L J
John 8:33-41
Mt Mk L J
John 8:42-47
73. The only Father we have is God himself - He who belongs to God hears what God says
Mt Mk L J
John 8:48-59
Mt Mk L J
John 11:1-46
56. Healing - Lazarus - I am the resurrection and the life
Mt Mk L J
John 11:46-57
110. Plotting to kill Christ - If we let him go on like this, everyone will believe in him…
Mt Mk L J
John 12:1-8
Mt Mk L J
John 12:9-11 & John 12:17-19
110. Plotting to kill Christ - If we let him go on like this, everyone will believe in him…
Mt Mk L J
John 12:12-16
Mt Mk L J
John 12:20-33
Mt Mk L J
John 12:34-36
Mt Mk L J
John 12:37-43
25. I will open my mouth in parables
Mt Mk L J
John 12:44-50
Mt Mk L J
Mt Mk L J
John 13:1-20
Mt Mk L J
John 13:1-30
113. Before the Passover - Unless I wash you, you have no part with me
Mt Mk L J
John 13:18-20
Mt Mk L J
Mt Mk L J
John 13:31-35
1. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you
Mt Mk L J
John 13:34-35
Mt Mk L J
John 13:36-38
Mt Mk L J
John 14:1-7
Mt Mk L J
John 14:8-14
Mt Mk L J
John 14:11-14
Mt Mk L J
John 14:15-21
Mt Mk L J
John 14:22-31
Mt Mk L J
John 15:1-17
Mt Mk L J
Mt Mk L J
John 15:9-17
1. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you
Mt Mk L J
Mt Mk L J
John 15:18-16:33
121. In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me
Mt Mk L J
John 15:18-16:33
121. In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me
Mt Mk L J
John 16:12-15
Mt Mk L J
John 16:22-24
Mt Mk L J
John 18:1-11
123. Gethsemane & Arrest - This has all taken place that the scriptures might be fulfilled
Mt Mk L J
John 18:12-14 & John 18:19-24
124. They took Jesus to the high priest - Prophecy to us Christ. Who hit you?
Mt Mk L J
John 18:15-18 & John 18:25-27
125. Peter’s denial - You are not one of his disciples, are you?
Mt Mk L J
John 18:28-19:15
127. Jesus stood before the Governor - Everyone on the side of truth listens to my voice
Mt Mk L J
John 19:16-30
128. After condemnation until death - Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing
Mt Mk L J
John 19:31-42
129. After death, before resurrection - Surely this man was the Son of God!
Mt Mk L J
John 1:1-14
4. Genealogies/Origins - The Word became flesh
Mt Mk L J
John 1:6-9 & John 1:15-34
Mt Mk L J
John 1:35-51
10. The First Disciples - Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men
Mt Mk L J
John 2:1-11
11. Beginning of Ministry - I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God
Mt Mk L J
John 2:12-25
Mt Mk L J
John 3:1-21
13. On the Kingdom of God - Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit
Mt Mk L J
John 3:22-4:3
Mt Mk L J
John 4:4-42
38. Could this be the Christ? - Open your eyes and look at the fields
Mt Mk L J
John 4:43-46
Mt Mk L J
John 4:46-54
48. Healing - The Official’s Son - You may go, your son will live
Mt Mk L J
John 5:1-2, xx, 5-18
Mt Mk L J
John 5:19-47
75. If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me
Mt Mk L J
John 6:1-17
41. Feeding of 5000 - You give them something to eat
Mt Mk L J
John 6:15-25
43. Boating - Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?
Mt Mk L J
John 6:22-71
Mt Mk L J
John 6:41-46
Mt Mk L J
John 7:1-18
Mt Mk L J
John 7:19-24
Mt Mk L | J
John 7:25-8:1
Mt Mk L J
John 8:2-11
Mt Mk L J
John 8:12-24
Mt Mk L J
John 8:25-32
Mt Mk L J
John 8:33-41
Mt Mk L J
John 8:42-47
73. The only Father we have is God himself - He who belongs to God hears what God says
Mt Mk L J
John 8:48-59
Mt Mk L J
John 9:1-41
55. Healing - The Blind - According to your faith, it will be done to you
Mt Mk L J
Mt Mk L J
John 10:1-30
37. Christ Teaching about Himself - I am the Gate for the sheep
Mt Mk L J
John 10:22-42
Mt Mk L J
John 11:1-46
56. Healing - Lazarus - I am the resurrection and the life
Mt Mk L J
John 11:46-57
110. Plotting to kill Christ - If we let him go on like this, everyone will believe in him…
Mt Mk L J
John 12:1-8
Mt Mk L J
John 12:9-11 & John 12:17-19
110. Plotting to kill Christ - If we let him go on like this, everyone will believe in him…
Mt Mk L J
John 12:12-16
Mt Mk L J
John 12:20-33
Mt Mk L J
John 12:34-36
Mt Mk L J
John 12:37-43
25. I will open my mouth in parables
Mt Mk L J
John 12:44-50
Mt Mk L J
Mt Mk L J
John 13:1-20
Mt Mk L J
John 13:1-30
113. Before the Passover - Unless I wash you, you have no part with me
Mt Mk L J
John 13:18-20
Mt Mk L J
Mt Mk L J
John 13:31-35
1. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you
Mt Mk L J
John 13:34-35
Mt Mk L J
John 13:36-38
Mt Mk L J
John 14:1-7
Mt Mk L J
John 14:8-14
Mt Mk L J
John 14:11-14
Mt Mk L J
John 14:15-21
Mt Mk L J
John 14:22-31
Mt Mk L J
John 15:1-17
Mt Mk L J
Mt Mk L J
John 15:9-17
1. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you
Mt Mk L J
Mt Mk L J
John 15:18-16:33
121. In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me
Mt Mk L J
John 16:12-15
Mt Mk L J
John 16:22-24
Mt Mk L J
John 17:1-19
122. Sanctify them by the truth, your word is truth
Mt Mk L J
John 17:13-26
Mt Mk L J
John 18:1-11
123. Gethsemane & Arrest - This has all taken place that the scriptures might be fulfilled
Mt Mk L J
John 18:12-14 & John 18:19-24
124. They took Jesus to the high priest - Prophecy to us Christ. Who hit you?
Mt Mk L J
John 18:15-18 & John 18:25-27
125. Peter’s denial - You are not one of his disciples, are you?
Mt Mk L J
John 18:28-19:15
127. Jesus stood before the Governor - Everyone on the side of truth listens to my voice
Mt Mk L J
John 19:16-30
128. After condemnation until death - Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing
Mt Mk L J
John 19:31-42
129. After death, before resurrection - Surely this man was the Son of God!
Mt Mk L J
John 20:1-18
130. Resurrection - Why do you look for the living among the dead?
Mt Mk L J
John 20:19-21:24
Mt Mk L J
John 21:24-25
3. Introductions/Closings - It seemed good to me to write an orderly account for you
Mt Mk L J