I would not believe Moses if it were not for Christ. Because of Christ, I believe Moses.
From my understanding, you call Christ the Word of God and the … prophet. For this reason I write to you.
Christ’s death is His testimony.
The Good Shepherd sees the wolf coming and lays down his life for the sheep. Love has none greater than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
I now choose to honor ____ because Christ honors him.
It was not the suicide bomber who laid down his life, it was the child who sacrificed himself to save his friends.
From this point forward, let the name of this child be remembered alongside the Samaritan who helped the wounded man. For he, like the Samaritan, practiced love; while many, like the pharisee and adfasdf that walked by only honor with their lips.
Every action of forgiveness or love any person has ever taken because of Christ’s testimony is your evidence.
If you open your eyes, you will see a flood of such evidence - hard, real, tangible, visible, physical evidence.
Those who practiced hate in the name of Christ, were not in the NAME OF CHRIST.
His prayer for us is come to complete unity. Trust Him and let us bring this prayer to fulfillment.
Five Ways to Help
Look for all who practice love and strengthen them
Share this service with others
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Strengthen This Service with your abilities
Look for all who practice love and strengthen them
Practice love yourself
how to say
2. Share this service with others
If you think this service is beneficial, please share it. If you don’t find it beneficial, please do not share it.
3. Suggest an improvement
While I’ve made a sincere effort offer the best s… I also am well aware of my
4. Strengthen this service with your abilities
I don’t know your abilities. However, if you imagine helping in some way, please feel free to share how you would like to contribute and maybe we can find common ground.
The purpose of this website is to help - both directly and indirectly. If it has helped you, it has been my privilege.
It is my wish that this service be offered freely and also free of advertisements indefinitely. If you wish to donate money to support the service, any gift you offer would be accepted with gratitude. That said, if a donation would cause any kind of financial hardship, please keep it - this is supposed to be uplifting, not burdensome.
5. Make a financial
Suggest An Improvement
The purpose of this website is to help - both directly and indirectly. If it has helped you, it has been my privilege.
It is my wish that this service be offered freely and also free of advertisements indefinitely. If you wish to donate money to support the service, any gift you offer would be accepted with gratitude. That said, if a donation would cause any kind of financial hardship, please keep it - this is supposed to be uplifting, not burdensome.