Chapter One IntroductionThe Birth of John the Baptist ForetoldThe Birth of Jesus ForetoldMary Visits ElizabethMary’s SongThe Birth of John the BaptistZechariah’s SongChapter TwoThe Birth of JesusThe Shepherds and the AngelsJesus presented in the TempleThe Boy Jesus at the TempleChapter ThreeJohn the Baptist Prepares the WayThe Baptism and Genealogy of JesusChapter FourThe Temptation of JesusJesus Rejected at NazarethJesus Drives Out an Evil SpiritJesus Heals ManyChapter FiveThe Calling of the First DisciplesThe Man With LeprosyJesus Heals a ParalyticThe Calling of LeviJesus Questioned About FastingChapter SixLord of the SabbathThe Twelve ApostlesBlessings and WoesLove for EnemiesJudging OthersA Tree and Its FruitThe Wise and Foolish BuildersChapter SevenThe Faith of the CenturionJesus Raises a Widow’s SonJesus and John the BaptistJesus Anointed by a Sinful WomanChapter EightThe Parable of the SowerA Lamp on a StandJesus’ Mother and BrothersJesus Calms the StormThe Healing of a Demon-Possessed ManA Dead Girl and a Sick WomanChapter NineJesus Sends Out the TwelveJesus Feeds the Five ThousandPeter’s Confession of ChristThe TransfigurationThe Healing of a Boy With an Evil SpiritWho Will Be the Greatest?Samaritan OppositionThe Cost of Following JesusChapter TenJesus Sends Out the Seventy-TwoThe Parable of the Good SamaritanAt the Home of Martha and MaryChapter ElevenJesus Teaching on PrayerJesus and BeelzebubThe Sign of JonahThe Lamp of the BodySix WoesChapter TwelveWarnings and EncouragementsThe Parable of the Rich FoolDo Not WorryWatchfulnessNot Peace but DivisionInterpreting the TimesChapter ThirteenRepent or PerishA Crippled Woman Healed on the SabbathThe Parables of the Mustard Seed and the YeastThe Narrow DoorJesus’ Sorrow for JerusalemChapter FourteenJesus at a Pharisee’s HouseThe Parable of the Great BanquetThe Cost of Being a DiscipleChapter FifteenThe Parable of the Lost SheepThe Parable of the Lost CoinThe Parable of the Lost SonChapter SixteenThe Parable of the Shrewd ManagerAdditional TeachingsThe Rich Man and LazarusChapter SeventeenSin, Faith, DutyTen Healed of LeprosyThe Coming of the Kingdom of GodChapter EighteenThe Parable of the Persistent WidowThe Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax CollectorThe Little Children and JesusThe Rich RulerJesus Again Predicts His DeathA Blind Beggar Receives His SightChapter NineteenZacchaeus the Tax CollectorThe Parable of the Ten MinasThe Triumphal EntryJesus at the TempleChapter TwentyThe Authority of Jesus QuestionedThe Parable of the TenantsPaying Taxes to CaesarThe Resurrection and MarriageWhose Son is the ChristChapter Twenty-OneThe Widow’s OfferingSigns of the End of the AgeChapter Twenty-TwoJudas Agrees to Betray JesusThe Last SupperJesus Prays on the Mount of OlivesJesus ArrestedPeter Disowns JesusThe Guards Mock JesusJesus Before Pilate and HerodChapter Twenty-ThreeThe CrucifixionJesus’ DeathJesus’ BurialChapter Twenty-FourThe ResurrectionOn the Road to EmmausJesus Appears to the DisciplesThe Ascension