Chapter OneJohn the Baptist Prepares the WayThe Baptism and Temptation of ChristThe Calling of the First DisciplesJesus Drives Out an Evil SpiritJesus Heals ManyJesus Prays in a Solitary PlaceA Man With LeprosyChapter TwoJesus Heals a ParalyticThe Calling of LeviJesus Questioned About FastingLord of the SabbathChapter ThreeCrowds Follow JesusThe Appointing of the Twelve ApostlesJesus and BeelzebubJesus’ Mother and BrothersChapter FourThe Parable of the SowerA Lamp on a StandThe Parable of the Growing SeedThe Parable of the Mustard SeedJesus Calms the StormChapter FiveThe Healing of a Demon-Possessed ManA Dead Girl and a Sick WomanChapter SixA Prophet Without HonorJesus Sends Out the TwelveJohn The Baptist BeheadedJesus Feeds the Five ThousandJesus Walks on WaterChapter SevenClean and UncleanThe Faith of a Syrophoenician WomanThe Healing of a Deaf and Mute ManChapter EightJesus Feeds the Four ThousandThe Yeast of the Pharisees and HerodThe Healing of a Blind Man at BethsaidaPeter’s Confession of ChristJesus Predicts His DeathChapter NineThe TransfigurationThe Healing of a Boy with an Evil SpiritWho is the Greatest?Whoever Is Not Against Us Is for UsCausing to SinChapter TenDivorceThe Little Children and JesusThe Rich Young ManJesus Again Predicts His DeathThe Request of James and JohnBlind Bartimaeus Receives His SightChapter ElevenThe Triumphal EntryJesus Clears the TempleThe Withered Fig TreeThe Authority of Jesus QuestionedChapter TwelveThe Parable of the TenantsPaying Taxes to CaesarMarriage at the ResurrectionThe Greatest CommandmentWhose Son is the ChristThe Widow’s OfferingChapter ThirteenSigns of the End of the AgeThe Day and Hour UnknownChapter FourteenJesus Anointed at BethanyThe Lord’s SupperJesus Predicts Peter’s DenialGethsemaneJesus ArrestedBefore the SanhedrinPeter Disowns JesusChapter FifteenJesus Before PilateThe Soldiers Mock JesusThe CrucifixionThe Death of JesusThe Burial of JesusChapter SixteenThe Resurrection***