Chapter OneGenealogy of JesusThe Birth of JesusChapter TwoThe Visit of the MagiThe Escape to EgyptThe Return to NazarethChapter ThreeJohn the Baptist Prepares the WayThe Baptism of JesusChapter FourThe Temptation of JesusJesus Begins to PreachThe Calling of the First DisciplesJesus Heals the SickChapter FiveThe BeatitudesSalt and LightThe Fulfillment of the LawMurderAdulteryDivorceOathsAn Eye for an EyeLove for EnemiesChapter SixGiving to the NeedyPrayerFastingTreasures in HeavenDo Not WorryChapter SevenJudging OthersAsk, Seek, KnockThe Narrow and Wide GatesA Tree and Its FruitThe Wise and Foolish BuildersChapter EightThe Man with LeprosyThe Faith of the CenturionJesus Heals ManyThe Cost of Following JesusJesus Calms the StormThe Healing of the Two Demon-Possessed MenChapter NineJesus Heals a ParalyticThe Calling of MatthewJesus Questioned About FastingA Dead Girl and a Sick WomanJesus Heals the Blind and MuteThe Workers are FewChapter TenJesus Sends Out the TwelveChapter ElevenJesus and John the BaptistWoe on Unrepentant CitiesRest for the WearyChapter TwelveThe Lord of the SabbathGod’s Chosen ServantJesus and BeelzebubThe Sign of JonahJesus’ Mother and BrothersChapter ThirteenThe Parable of the SowerThe Parable of the WeedsThe Parables of the Mustard Seed and the YeastThe Parable of the Weeds ExplainedThe Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the PearlThe Parable of the NetA Prophet Without HonorChapter FourteenJohn the Baptist BeheadedJesus Feeds the Five ThousandJesus Walks on WaterChapter FifteenClean and UncleanThe Faith of the Canaanite WomanJesus Feeds the Four ThousandChapter SixteenThe Demand for a SignThe Yeast of the Pharisees and SadduceesPeter’s Confession of ChristJesus Predicts His DeathChapter SeventeenThe TransfigurationThe Healing of a Boy With a DemonThe Temple TaxChapter EighteenThe Greatest in the Kingdom of HeavenThe Parable of the Lost SheepA Brother Who Sins Against YouThe Parable of the Unmerciful ServantChapter NineteenDivorceThe Little Children and JesusThe Rich Young ManChapter TwentyThe Parable of the Workers in the VineyardJesus Again Predicts His DeathA Mother’s RequestTwo Blind Men Receive SightChapter Twenty-OneThe Triumphal EntryJesus At the TempleThe Fig Tree WithersThe Authority of Jesus QuestionedThe Parable of the Two SonsThe Parable of the TenantsChapter Twenty-TwoThe Parable of the Wedding BanquetPaying Taxes to CaesarMarriage at the ResurrectionThe Greatest CommandmentWhose Son is the ChristChapter Twenty-ThreeSeven WoesChapter Twenty-FourSigns of the End of the AgeThe Day and Hour UnknownChapter Twenty-FiveThe Parable of the Ten VirginsThe Parable of the Ten TalentsThe Sheep and the GoatsChapter Twenty-SixThe Plot Against JesusJesus Anointed at BethanyJudas Agrees to Betray JesusThe Lord’s SupperGethsemaneJesus ArrestedBefore the SanhedrinPeter Disowns JesusChapter Twenty-SevenJudas Hangs HimselfJesus Before PilateThe Soldiers Mock JesusThe CrucifixionThe Death of JesusThe Burial of JesusThe Guard at the TombChapter Twenty-EightThe ResurrectionThe Guard’s ReportThe Great Commission