Matthew 1:1-17
4. Genealogies/Origins - The Word became flesh
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 1:18-25
5. Pre-Birth - He will save his people from their sins
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 4:1-11
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 4:12-17
11. Beginning of Ministry - I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 4:18-22
10. The First Disciples - Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 4:23-5:12
30. Blessed are… / Woe to… - Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 4:23-5:12
30. Blessed are… / Woe to… - Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 5:13
100. Parable - You are the salt of the Earth
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 5:14-16
18. Parable - Let your light shine before men
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 5:17-37
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 5:31-32
65. Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife? - What God has joined together, let man not separate
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 5:38-48
1. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 5:46-48
88. Do not be like the hypocrites
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 6:1-8 & Matthew 6:16-18
88. Do not be like the hypocrites
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 6:5-15
79. Teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples - This, then, is how you should pray…
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 6:19-34
12. Do not worry - Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 6:22-24
18. Parable - Let your light shine before men
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 7:1-6
88. Do not be like the hypocrites
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 7:7-12
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 7:9-12
1. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 7:13-14
36. Enter through the Narrow Gate - Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord’, and do not do what I say?
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 7:15-20
17. Parable - By their fruit you will recognize them
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 7:21-29
36. Enter through the Narrow Gate - Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord’, and do not do what I say?
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 8:1-4
45. Healing - Lepers - Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 8:5-13
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 8:14-17
44. Healing - Simon’s Mother-in-Law - He took up our infirmities and carried our diseases
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 8:18 & Matthew 8:23-27
43. Boating - Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 8:18-22
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 8:28-34
46. Healing - Freedom from Demons - Return home and tell how much God has done for you
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 9:1-8
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 9:9-13
29. Finding what was lost, Matthew/Levi - The Son of Man came to seek and save what was lost
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 9:14-17
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 9:18-26
50. Healing - The Ruler’s Daughter & The Bleeding Woman - Your faith has healed you
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 9:27-31
55. Healing - The Blind - According to your faith, it will be done to you
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 9:32-34
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 9:35-38
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 10:1-11:1
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 10:24-25
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 10:24-33
12. Do not worry - Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 10:34-39
85. I have a baptism to undergo
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 10:37-42
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 10:40-42
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 10:1-11:1
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 11:2-6
17. Parable - By their fruit you will recognize them
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 11:7-19
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 11:20-24
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 11:25-30
25. I will open my mouth in parables
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 12:1-8
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 12:9-21
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 12:22-32
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 12:30
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 12:33-37
17. Parable - By their fruit you will recognize them
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 12:38-45
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 12:46-50
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 13:1-9 & Matthew 13:18-23
16. Parable - A farmer went out to sow his seed
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 13:10-17 & Matthew 13:34-35
25. I will open my mouth in parables
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 13:11-12
96. Parable - Like a man going on a journey
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 13:24-30 & Matthew 13:36-43
97. Parable - Like a man who sowed good seed in his field
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 13:31-32
19. Parable - Like a mustard seed
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 13:33
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 13:44
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 13:45-46
22. Parable - Like a merchant looking for fine pearls
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 13:47-50
98. Parable - Like a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 13:51-52
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 13:53-58
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 14:1-13
31. John the Baptist, Execution - Give me here on a platter the head of John the Baptist
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 14:13-21
41. Feeding of 5000 - You give them something to eat
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 14:22-36
43. Boating - Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 15:1-20
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 15:12-14
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 15:21-28
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 15:29-39
42. Feeding of 4000 - I have compassion for these people
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 16:1-4
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 16:5-12
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 16:13-20
32. Who do you say I am? - You are the Christ, the Son of the living God
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 16:21-23
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 16:24-28
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 17:1-9
106. The transfiguration - This is my son whom I have chosen, Listen to him!
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 17:10-13
Mt Mk L J
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 17:14-20
51. Healing - The Unbelieving Man’s Son - Everything is possible for him who believes
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 17:20
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 17:22-23
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 17:24-27
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 18:1-10
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 18:12-14
29. Finding what was lost, Matthew/Levi - The Son of Man came to seek and save what was lost
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 18:15-17 & Matthew 18:21-22
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 18:18-20
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 18:23-19:2
81. Parable - Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 18:23-19:2
81. Parable - Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 19:3-12
65. Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife? - What God has joined together, let man not separate
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 19:13-15
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 19:16-30
83. What must I do to inherit eternal life? - If you want to enter life, obey the commandments
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 20:1-16
92. Parable - Like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire men to work in his vineyard
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 20:17-19
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 20:20-28
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 20:29-34
55. Healing - The Blind - According to your faith, it will be done to you
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 21:1-11 & Matthew 21:14-17
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 21:12-13 & Matthew 21:23-27
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 21:18-22
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 21:28-32
89. Parable - Which of the two did what the father wanted?
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 21:33-46
90. Parable - The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 22:1-14
93. Parable - Like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 22:15-22
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 22:23-33
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 22:34-40
2. Of all the commandments, which is the most important?
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 22:41-46
77. If then David calls him ‘Lord’ how can he be his son?
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 24:1-41
105. Discussing the end - Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 24:42-51
94. Parable - Like men waiting for their master to return
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 25:1-13
95. Parable - Like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 25:14-30
96. Parable - Like a man going on a journey
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 25:31-46
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 26:1-2
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 26:3-5
110. Plotting to kill Christ - If we let him go on like this, everyone will believe in him…
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 26:6-13
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 26:14-16
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 26:17-19
113. Before the Passover - Unless I wash you, you have no part with me
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 26:20-30
114. Passover conversation - Do this in remembrance of me
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 26:31-35
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 26:36-56
123. Gethsemane & Arrest - This has all taken place that the scriptures might be fulfilled
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 26:57-58 & Matthew 26:69-75
125. Peter’s denial - You are not one of his disciples, are you?
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 26:57-68
124. They took Jesus to the high priest - Prophecy to us Christ. Who hit you?
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 27:1-2
124. They took Jesus to the high priest - Prophecy to us Christ. Who hit you?
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 27:3-10
126. Judas was seized with remorse - I have betrayed innocent blood
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 27:11-26
127. Jesus stood before the Governor - Everyone on the side of truth listens to my voice
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 27:27-56
128. After condemnation until death - Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 27:50-66
129. After death, before resurrection - Surely this man was the Son of God!
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 28:1-10
130. Resurrection - Why do you look for the living among the dead?
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 28:11-20
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 1:1-17
4. Genealogies/Origins - The Word became flesh
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 1:18-25
5. Pre-Birth - He will save his people from their sins
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 2:1-23
6. Infancy - The thoughts of many hearts will be revealed
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 3:1-17
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 4:1-11
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 4:12-17
11. Beginning of Ministry - I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 4:18-22
10. The First Disciples - Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 4:23-5:12
30. Blessed are… / Woe to… - Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 5:13
100. Parable - You are the salt of the Earth
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 5:14-16
18. Parable - Let your light shine before men
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 5:17-37
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 5:31-32
65. Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife? - What God has joined together, let man not separate
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 5:38-48
1. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 5:46-48
88. Do not be like the hypocrites
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 6:1-8
88. Do not be like the hypocrites
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 6:5-15
79. Teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples - This, then, is how you should pray…
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 6:16-18
88. Do not be like the hypocrites
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 6:19-34
12. Do not worry - Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 6:22-24
18. Parable - Let your light shine before men
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 7:1-6
88. Do not be like the hypocrites
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 7:7-12
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 7:9-12
1. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 7:13-14
36. Enter through the Narrow Gate - Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord’, and do not do what I say?
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 7:15-20
17. Parable - By their fruit you will recognize them
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 7:21-29
36. Enter through the Narrow Gate - Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord’, and do not do what I say?
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 8:1-4
45. Healing - Lepers - Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 8:5-13
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 8:14-17
44. Healing - Simon’s Mother-in-Law - He took up our infirmities and carried our diseases
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 8:18
43. Boating - Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 8:18-22
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 8:23-27
43. Boating - Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 8:28-34
46. Healing - Freedom from Demons - Return home and tell how much God has done for you
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 9:1-8
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 9:9-13
29. Finding what was lost, Matthew/Levi - The Son of Man came to seek and save what was lost
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 9:14-17
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 9:18-26
50. Healing - The Ruler’s Daughter & The Bleeding Woman - Your faith has healed you
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 9:27-31
55. Healing - The Blind - According to your faith, it will be done to you
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 9:32-34
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 9:35-38
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 10:1-11:1
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 10:24-25
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 10:24-33
12. Do not worry - Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 10:34-39
85. I have a baptism to undergo
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 10:37-42
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 10:40-42
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 11:2-6
17. Parable - By their fruit you will recognize them
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 11:7-19
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 11:20-24
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 11:25-30
25. I will open my mouth in parables
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 12:1-8
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 12:9-21
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 12:22-32
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 12:30
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 12:33-37
17. Parable - By their fruit you will recognize them
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 12:38-45
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 12:46-50
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 13:1-9
16. Parable - A farmer went out to sow his seed
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 13:10-17
25. I will open my mouth in parables
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 13:11-12
96. Parable - Like a man going on a journey
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 13:18-23
16. Parable - A farmer went out to sow his seed
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 13:24-30
97. Parable - Like a man who sowed good seed in his field
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 13:31-32
19. Parable - Like a mustard seed
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 13:33
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 13:34-35
25. I will open my mouth in parables
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 13:36-43
97. Parable - Like a man who sowed good seed in his field
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 13:44
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 13:45-46
22. Parable - Like a merchant looking for fine pearls
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 13:47-50
98. Parable - Like a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 13:51-52
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 13:53-58
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 14:1-13
31. John the Baptist, Execution - Give me here on a platter the head of John the Baptist
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 14:13-21
41. Feeding of 5000 - You give them something to eat
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 14:22-36
43. Boating - Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 15:1-20
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 15:12-14
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 15:21-28
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 15:29-39
42. Feeding of 4000 - I have compassion for these people
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 16:1-4
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 16:5-12
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 16:13-20
32. Who do you say I am? - You are the Christ, the Son of the living God
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 16:21-23
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 16:24-28
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 17:1-9
106. The transfiguration - This is my son whom I have chosen, Listen to him!
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 17:10-13
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 17:10-13
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 17:14-20
51. Healing - The Unbelieving Man’s Son - Everything is possible for him who believes
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 17:20
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 17:22-23
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 17:24-27
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 18:1-10
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 18:12-14
29. Finding what was lost, Matthew/Levi - The Son of Man came to seek and save what was lost
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 18:15-17
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 18:18-20
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 18:21-22
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 18:23-19:2
81. Parable - Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 19:3-12
65. Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife? - What God has joined together, let man not separate
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 19:13-15
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 19:16-30
83. What must I do to inherit eternal life? - If you want to enter life, obey the commandments
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 20:1-16
92. Parable - Like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire men to work in his vineyard
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 20:17-19
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 20:20-28
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 20:29-34
55. Healing - The Blind - According to your faith, it will be done to you
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 21:1-11
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 21:12-13
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 21:14-17
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 21:18-22
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 21:23-27
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 21:28-32
89. Parable - Which of the two did what the father wanted?
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 21:33-46
90. Parable - The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 22:1-14
93. Parable - Like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 22:15-22
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 22:23-33
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 22:34-40
2. Of all the commandments, which is the most important?
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 22:41-46
77. If then David calls him ‘Lord’ how can he be his son?
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 23:1-13, xx, 14-39
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 24:1-41
105. Discussing the end - Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 24:42-51
94. Parable - Like men waiting for their master to return
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 25:1-13
95. Parable - Like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 25:14-30
96. Parable - Like a man going on a journey
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 25:31-46
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 26:1-2
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 26:3-5
110. Plotting to kill Christ - If we let him go on like this, everyone will believe in him…
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 26:6-13
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 26:14-16
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 26:17-19
113. Before the Passover - Unless I wash you, you have no part with me
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 26:20-30
114. Passover conversation - Do this in remembrance of me
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 26:31-35
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 26:36-56
123. Gethsemane & Arrest - This has all taken place that the scriptures might be fulfilled
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 26:57-58
125. Peter’s denial - You are not one of his disciples, are you?
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 26:57-68
124. They took Jesus to the high priest - Prophecy to us Christ. Who hit you?
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 26:69-75
125. Peter’s denial - You are not one of his disciples, are you?
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 27:1-2
124. They took Jesus to the high priest - Prophecy to us Christ. Who hit you?
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 27:3-10
126. Judas was seized with remorse - I have betrayed innocent blood
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 27:11-26
127. Jesus stood before the Governor - Everyone on the side of truth listens to my voice
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 27:27-56
128. After condemnation until death - Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 27:50-66
129. After death, before resurrection - Surely this man was the Son of God!
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 28:1-10
130. Resurrection - Why do you look for the living among the dead?
Mt Mk L J
Matthew 28:11-20
Mt Mk L J
1. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you Mt Mk L J
2. Of all the commandments, which is the most important? Mt Mk L J
3. Introductions/Closings - It seemed good to me to write an orderly account for you Mt Mk L J
5. Pre-Birth - He will save his people from their sins Mt Mk L J
6. Infancy - The thoughts of many hearts will be revealed Mt Mk L J
7. Childhood - Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house? Mt Mk L J
10. The First Disciples - Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men Mt Mk L J
11. Beginning of Ministry - I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God Mt Mk L J
12. Do not worry - Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness Mt Mk L J
13. On the Kingdom of God - Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit Mt Mk L J
17. Parable - By their fruit you will recognize them Mt Mk L J
19. Parable - Like a mustard seed Mt Mk L J
20. Parable- Like yeast Mt Mk L J
21. Parable - Like treasure Mt Mk L J
22. Parable - Like a merchant looking for fine pearls Mt Mk L J
23. Parable - Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows Mt Mk L J
24. Parable - Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much Mt Mk L J
25. I will open my mouth in parables Mt Mk L J
28. Martha & Mary - Mary has chosen what is better Mt Mk L J
29. Finding what was lost, Matthew/Levi - The Son of Man came to seek and save what was lost Mt Mk L J
30. Blessed are… / Woe to… - Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God Mt Mk L J
31. John the Baptist, Execution - Give me here on a platter the head of John the Baptist Mt Mk L J
32. Who do you say I am? - You are the Christ, the Son of the living God Mt Mk L J
34. The Temple Treasury - This poor widow has put in more than all the others Mt Mk L J
36. Enter through the Narrow Gate - Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord’, and do not do what I say? Mt Mk L J
37. Christ Teaching about Himself - I am the Gate for the sheep Mt Mk L J
38. Could this be the Christ? - Open your eyes and look at the fields Mt Mk L J
41. Feeding of 5000 - You give them something to eat Mt Mk L J
42. Feeding of 4000 - I have compassion for these people Mt Mk L J
43. Boating - Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith? Mt Mk L J
44. Healing - Simon’s Mother-in-Law - He took up our infirmities and carried our diseases Mt Mk L J
45. Healing - Lepers - Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean Mt Mk L J
46. Healing - Freedom from Demons - Return home and tell how much God has done for you Mt Mk L J
48. Healing - The Official’s Son - You may go, your son will live Mt Mk L J
50. Healing - The Ruler’s Daughter & The Bleeding Woman - Your faith has healed you Mt Mk L J
51. Healing - The Unbelieving Man’s Son - Everything is possible for him who believes Mt Mk L J
53. Healing - a Deaf Man - Ephphatha! Mt Mk L J
54. Healing - A Widow’s Son - Young man, I say to you get up! Mt Mk L J
55. Healing - The Blind - According to your faith, it will be done to you Mt Mk L J
56. Healing - Lazarus - I am the resurrection and the life Mt Mk L J
65. Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife? - What God has joined together, let man not separate Mt Mk L J
73. The only Father we have is God himself - He who belongs to God hears what God says Mt Mk L J
75. If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me Mt Mk L J
77. If then David calls him ‘Lord’ how can he be his son? Mt Mk L J
79. Teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples - This, then, is how you should pray… Mt Mk L J
81. Parable - Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you? Mt Mk L J
83. What must I do to inherit eternal life? - If you want to enter life, obey the commandments Mt Mk L J
85. I have a baptism to undergo Mt Mk L J
88. Do not be like the hypocrites Mt Mk L J
89. Parable - Which of the two did what the father wanted? Mt Mk L J
90. Parable - The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone Mt Mk L J
91. Parable - God I thank you that I am not like other men vs God, have mercy on me, a sinner Mt Mk L J
92. Parable - Like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire men to work in his vineyard Mt Mk L J
93. Parable - Like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son Mt Mk L J
94. Parable - Like men waiting for their master to return Mt Mk L J
95. Parable - Like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom Mt Mk L J
97. Parable - Like a man who sowed good seed in his field Mt Mk L J
98. Parable - Like a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish Mt Mk L J
99. Parable - A man had a fig tree, planted in his vineyard and he went to look for fruit on it Mt Mk L J
101. Parable - There was a rich man… Mt Mk L J
104. When you are invited, take the lowest place & When you give a banquet, invite the poor… Mt Mk L J
105. Discussing the end - Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away Mt Mk L J
106. The transfiguration - This is my son whom I have chosen, Listen to him! Mt Mk L J
110. Plotting to kill Christ - If we let him go on like this, everyone will believe in him… Mt Mk L J
113. Before the Passover - Unless I wash you, you have no part with me Mt Mk L J
114. Passover conversation - Do this in remembrance of me Mt Mk L J
121. In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me Mt Mk L J
122. Sanctify them by the truth, your word is truth Mt Mk L J
123. Gethsemane & Arrest - This has all taken place that the scriptures might be fulfilled Mt Mk L J
124. They took Jesus to the high priest - Prophecy to us Christ. Who hit you? Mt Mk L J
125. Peter’s denial - You are not one of his disciples, are you? Mt Mk L J
126. Judas was seized with remorse - I have betrayed innocent blood Mt Mk L J
127. Jesus stood before the Governor - Everyone on the side of truth listens to my voice Mt Mk L J
128. After condemnation until death - Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing Mt Mk L J
129. After death, before resurrection - Surely this man was the Son of God! Mt Mk L J
130. Resurrection - Why do you look for the living among the dead? Mt Mk L J